How to add Account logo into printable form


This article is about how to add Account logo into printable form.

1.      Create a new Printable

Go to the “System Designer” and open “Lookup” section.

Find Lookup with name “Pintables”

In the Pop-up window click on “New” button and choose “MS Word” option.

Specify name and section. You can use any section which is related to Account.

I used Account section for example.

2.      Add macros

Let’s add Account Name and Account Logo to macros

Click on “Set up list of fields” in the bottom of the screen.

In the pop-up window look at middle column and find “Name” and click on “>” button.

3.      Add Logo macros

Using this way let’s add Account Logo into macros list.

On the left hand column click on “+” near “Account” ad choose “Account Image” object.

In the middle column choose “Image” option and click on “>” button.

Click “OK” on the bottom of the screen.

4.      Use macros in printable designer

Open MS Word doc. Switch to bpm’online tab. Choose our new printable.

Choose Name” and “Image” macros from the right hand side column and place it on the page.

Click on “Save in bpm’online”

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