A customer has the "Payment status", "Delivery status" fields displayed on all tabs of the order page
14:55 May 15, 2018
A customer has the "Payment status", "Delivery status" fields together with currency dashboards displayed on all tabs of the order page. These fields cannot be edited via the section wizard, since they are displayed the same way there.
The OrderPageV2 page was developed by a partner and contained the following code for the specified elements:
{ "operation": "merge", "name": "PaymentStatus", "values": { "layout": { "column": 0, "row": 1, "colSpan": 12, "rowSpan": 1 }, "caption": { "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.PaymentStatusCaption" }, "enabled": true } }, { "operation": "remove", "name": "PaymentStatus", "properties": [ "contentType", "parentName", "propertyName" ] }, { "operation": "move", "name": "PaymentStatus", "index": 1 }
Change the page code for the specified elements by eliminating partner logic, for example, for:
{ "operation": "insert", "name": "PaymentStatus", "values": { "bindTo": "PaymentStatus", "layout": { "column": 0, "row": 6, "colSpan": 12, "rowSpan": 1 }, "contentType": Terrasoft.ContentType.ENUM, "caption": { "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.PaymentStatusCaption" }, "enabled": true }, "parentName": "Header", "propertyName": "items", "index": 9 }
Necessary conditions and possible restrictions:
Particular case, individual solution