This article explains how to perform bulk data export/import between SQL Server databases.
This process should be performed in NOT business hours.
1. Create directories
2. In the script bellow specify the correct db name instead of /SourceDBName/ and source server name instead of /ServerName/. In this example bcp utility connects to SQL Server with a trusted connection using integrated security.
Export entire table: bcp SourceDBName.dbo.SourceTableName OUT C:\Export\Data\SourceTableName.bcp -m 1 -n -e C:\Export\Data\Error\Error_out.log -o C:\Export\Data\Log\Output_out.log -S[ServerName] -T Export data from select statement(data file + format file): --Export data bcp "SELECT Name FROM SourceDBName.dbo.SourceTableName" queryout SourceTableName.dat -c -T -S[ServerName] --Export format file bcp SourceDBName.dbo.SourceTableName format nul -x -f SourceTableName.xml -T -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -c
3. Run CMD as Administrator and execute the script from step 2
bcp will create the following
SourceTableName.bcp data file (C:\Export\Data\SourceTableName.bcp)
Error_out.log (C:\Export\Data\Error\Error_out.log)
Output_out.log (C:\Export\Data\Log\Output_out.log)
Review Error_out.log and Output_out.log.
Error_out.log should be blank.
1. Create temporary table
SELECT * INTO Data_IMPORT FROM TargetTableName WHERE 1 = 2;
2. Run cmd. with the following script and specify the correct db name insted of TargetDName and server name instead of ServerName
1. Import entire table with bcp IN
bcp TargetTable IN C:\Export\Data\SourceTableName.bcp -b 5000 -h "TABLOCK" -m 1 -n -e C:\Export\Data\Error\Error_in.log -o C:\Export\Data\Log\Output_in.log -S[ServerName] -T -q
2. Import data from data file with INSERT INTO ... FROM OPENROWSET(BULK
INSERT INTO dbo.TargetTable SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'D:\Data\SourceTableName.txt', FORMATFILE = 'D:\Data\SourceTableName.xml') as t1;
Wait until the operation is done. It can take up to few hours depending on the amount of data you are exporting.
You can look through Output_out.log to understand the export status.
3. Insert into destination table
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_SourceImportTableName_Id ON SourceImportTableName(Id); GO SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @BatchSize INT = 1000; DECLARE @I INT = 0; --Calculate number of iterations DECLARE @TotalCount INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) / @BatchSize FROM SourceImportTableName imp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT Id FROM TargetTableName l WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE l.Id = imp.Id)); WHILE (@I < @TotalCount) BEGIN INSERT INTO Lead WITH(TABLOCK) SELECT TOP(@BatchSize) * FROM SourceImportTableName imp WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT Id FROM TargetTableName l WHERE l.Id = imp.Id) SET @I = @I + 1; END;
Here are example scripts to import Lead table on server int-ms\mssql2016
--Export bcp SourceDBName.dbo.Lead OUT C:\Export\Data\Lead.bcp -m 1 -n -e C:\Export\Data\Error\Error_out.log -o C:\Export\Data\Log\Output_out.log -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -T --Import bcp TargetDBName.dbo.Lead IN C:\Export\Data\Lead.bcp -b 5000 -h "TABLOCK" -m 1 -n -e C:\Export\Data\Error\Error_in.log -o C:\Export\Data\Log\Output_in.log -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -T -q --Insert data into destination table USE TargetDBName; CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Lead_Id ON Lead_IMPORT(Id); GO SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @BatchSize INT = 1000; DECLARE @I INT = 0; --Calculate number of iterations DECLARE @TotalCount INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) / @BatchSize FROM Lead_IMPORT imp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT Id FROM Lead l WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE l.Id = imp.Id)); WHILE (@I < @TotalCount) BEGIN INSERT INTO Lead WITH(TABLOCK) SELECT TOP(@BatchSize) * FROM Lead_IMPORT imp WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT Id FROM Lead l WHERE l.Id = imp.Id) SET @I = @I + 1; END;
Example: Import part of the bcp data file
--Export bcp Azull_D_1.dbo.Account OUT C:\Export\Data\Account.bcp -m 1 -n -e C:\Export\Data\Error\Error_out.log -o C:\Export\Data\Log\Output_out.log -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -T --Format file bcp Azull_D_1.dbo.Account format nul -x -f Account.xml -T -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -m 1 -n --Load data INSERT INTO dbo.Account SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'D:\Data\Account.bcp', FORMATFILE = 'D:\Data\Account.xml') as t1 WHERE Createdon > '2017-08-01 00:00:00';
Example: Export/Import some Accounts from select statement
bcp "SELECT * FROM Azull_D_1.dbo.Account WHERE ModifiedOn > '2017-08-01 00:00:00'" queryout Account.txt -T -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -c bcp Azull_D_1.dbo.Account format nul -x -f Account.xml -T -Sint-ms\mssql2016 -c INSERT INTO dbo.Account SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'D:\Data\Account.txt', FORMATFILE = 'D:\Data\Account.xml') as t1;
Here is a link to full bcp utility documentation