Case description:
You need to add a custom fixed filter by column Type to the Contact section.
Algorithm of realization:
- Create replacing client schema for your section.
- Create localizable strings which will contain captions of the filter and menu item.
- Create image which will contain image of the filter.
Source code of the "ContactSectionV2" :
define("ContactSectionV2", [], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "Contact", methods: { initFixedFiltersConfig: function () { var fixedFilterConfig = { entitySchema: "ContactType", filters: [ { name: "TypeFilter", columnName: "Type", caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.ContactTypeFilterCaption"), dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP, appendCurrentContactMenuItem: false, addNewFilterCaption: this.get("Resources.Strings.SelectContactTypeCaption"), hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.SelectContactTypeCaption"), buttonImageConfig: this.get("Resources.Images.ContactTypeFilterImage") } ] }; this.set("FixedFilterConfig", fixedFilterConfig); } } }; });
The result would be: