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Dear mates,
I'm trying to modify the DCM Opportunity.
I want to add a step before the first step.
But when i create a new step, the opportunity goes automatically to the old first step. i look everywhere i can, but i can't find why.
Does anybody have an idea please.
Thanks, Nicolas
Dear Nicolas,
In OOB system "stage" column is required when opportunity is created. You should check what stage is used when opportunity is created: http://prntscr.com/pqzl32
Dear Angela,
Effectively, i add the stage on the mini-page, and the stage used when opportunity is created is not the DCM first step (it is "En cours"). i have to find where the developper has forced the stage on the mini-page to a specific step.
=> Solution:
The default opportunity's stage was defined on the Opportunity Object.
Thank you Angela !