Hello Creatio lovers :-)
I have defined to test two products with their price in different currencies (USD and CLP, represented in Chile as (USD as USD and CLP as $)
When I did an Opportunity, using products with prices in the defined currencies "Detail summaries for Creatio add-on" sums USD with CLP totals as the same rate, how can I solve it?
Please see at http://prntscr.com/sl6l5m
Have I way to solve this?, "Detail summaries" offers just Total/Sum, see at http://prntscr.com/sl6ms2 and have not what in Marketplace offers, selecting base currency, for example, how can I activate this? Please see at https://marketplace.creatio.com/sites/marketplace/files/maketplace/sc2_detail_sum.png
Also, Creatio calculates wrong the Opportunity Total, how can we correct this? Please see at http://prntscr.com/sl6umo
Thanks in advance