Zoom meeting connector - Create zoom meeting checkbox read only but Zoom and Creatio contacts match

Installed Zoom Connector at https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/zoom-meeting-connector-creatio 

I have a Zoom paid account and that the user's email address is the same as the CRM user entering an activity and the activity "Reporter". But the "Create Zoom meeting" is read-only, instead of editable. So the relevant user has been added to the Zoom Contacts detail in the Contact field of my Zoom account.

Two Questions:

Does the Zoom contact to Creatio user match need to be by email, by full name, or both?   

Is the match based on the activity's Created by the user or the activity's Reporter?

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Hi Dick,


To create an activity with the 'Create Zoom meeting' editable attribute, add the relevant user in the "Contact" field on the "Zoom Contacts" detail of your Zoom account.

The add-on automatically adds data to the "Zoom contacts" detail and matches this data with Creatio contacts by email.

If you find an empty "Contact" field in the records of the "Zoom contacts" detail, populate such field manually.


Note that matching is performed for the user who creates the activity (using the "Created by" field).


Hope this helps, 

Have a good day!

Svetlana Kobizka,

Sorry by my Creatio user email for the Created To field of the activity IS the same as a Zoom Users Management->user listed as a "Basic" type of contact.  But Creatio activity form "Create Zoom Meeting" is always set to read only

Hi Dick,


Please confirm that you populate the 'Contact' field on the 'Zoom Account User' detail of your Zoom account:


No description available.

Thank you!




The Creatio Zoom section is filled in with all of the information.  Does the First name and last name have to exactly match a Zoom basic or licensed user?  How can I find the matching UserID in the Zoom app to verify

Hi Dick,


You need to open the ‘Zoom Account User’ detail of the record (see pic. 1) -> populate the ‘Contact’ field (see pic.2 ) -> and save the changes:


Picture 1

No description available.

Picture 2

No description available.


Hope this helps,

Have a good day!

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