Websocket errors flooding the console of browser

I have asked the same question in past. But it was on cloud environment.


Today I switched my on-site environment to file system mode and these errors are still not going away even after disabling call center settings.

setting changed in web.config - set the filedesignmode to true and usestaticfilecontent to false

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This error message is not related to the telephony and is related to the https setup for the on-site app and the usual case is that the WebSocket connection was setup for 443 port (as it can be seen from the error message in the console where the link is https://localhost/...), but you are logged in and using the application via 450 port. Please review all the settings due to this article https://academy.creatio.com/documents/administration/7-16/switch-creatio-website-http-https#XREF_32303_Web_config and also check the web-sockets using this article https://academy.creatio.com/documents/administration/7-16/set-websockets.


Best regards,




This error message is not related to the telephony and is related to the https setup for the on-site app and the usual case is that the WebSocket connection was setup for 443 port (as it can be seen from the error message in the console where the link is https://localhost/...), but you are logged in and using the application via 450 port. Please review all the settings due to this article https://academy.creatio.com/documents/administration/7-16/switch-creatio-website-http-https#XREF_32303_Web_config and also check the web-sockets using this article https://academy.creatio.com/documents/administration/7-16/set-websockets.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thanks. I fount out that I needed to change the port connection setting

portForClientConnection="450" in root/Terrasoft.WebApp/Web.config file which I forgot to change.

The issue is resolved now.




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