Updation Invoice Details on Order

Hi Creatio Team,


We are currently using Creatio V8.0 demo environment for internal training for Certification purposes.

1. On creating an Invoice using the option "Create Invoice based on Invoice", the system took the full amount specified on Order, instead of Advance Payment. Even when we changed the amount it reverted back to the full Order Amount.

2. After Invoice was created and status changed to Paid, Installment Plan does not show the Actual Amount Paid and the Invoice Number.

Would appreciate your feedback on these 2 queries

Thank you,


Nauzer Talati


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1. There are 2 ways to create invoices. 


- When you use the [ New invoice based on this order ] action from the [ Actions ] menu.

This will open a page with an invoice created based on the order. The [ Amount ] value on the invoice page is calculated as the total value of the products, not the [ Payment amount ] of the order. 


- Add an invoice automatically based on any installment step of the order. To do this:

Go to the [ Orders ] section and open the required record with the [ Installment ] details filled in. Select the needed step with the “Payment“ type and click on loupe in the [ Invoice ] column. The value in the [ Amount ] field on the invoice page can be calculated in two ways:

1) If no products have been added in the corresponding step, the [ Amount] field on the invoice page will be filled with the corresponding value from the [ Estimated amount] field from the installment step.

2) If the items were not added in the corresponding step, the [ Amount] field on the invoice page will be calculated as the total cost of the selected products.

After adding an invoice, a link with the invoice number will be displayed in the detail list. Click the link to open the invoice page - https://i.imgur.com/28Oj7K4.png

Therefore, it is normal that the The [ Amount ] value on the invoice page is formed from the total amount of products, not the [ Payment amount ] (Advance Payment) of the order. 

2. If the invoice added automatically based on any installment step of the order, a link with the invoice number displayed in the detail list (https://i.imgur.com/28Oj7K4.png) and status of the invoice changed to Paid - [ Actual amount ] Paid will the column will be equal to [ Amount ] value on the invoice (https://i.imgur.com/CRDoIrZ.png).

We recommend that you read more about this here - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/sales_tools/short_sales_orders_an…

Best regards,



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