
SSO authentication

I am using SSO integration for authentication for an implementation. However, there is a requirement where we need to support a list of users who aren't part of the directory. How do we implement this in BPM'Online? Can we run BPM'Online in a dual mode to support SSO integration as well as forms authentication for a subset of users?  


Thanks in advance...

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When SSO is enabled for the instance and users try to log in using the link "", they are automatically redirected to the SSO authentification page. If you want some users to log in without SSO authentification, they can use the link "" and they will not be redirected to the SSO authentification page.

Best regards,


Thank you, Anastasia!

Abdelsalam Selim,



Starting from version 8.0.3, Creatio allows configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) through the interface.


In this case, users on the login page will have the option to log in using the standard method or perform SSO by clicking the login link for the selected provider.

Best regards, Pavlo!

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