Hi Everyone,
I have a case about data integration using DataService (JSON).
I have read documentation but I can't cleary understand cause example use C# languange, I'm not comfortable with that.
I have try using postman to integration DataService, but I have a trouble,
Below screenshot setting in my postman:
1. I access the login for get the cookies for Auth, I dont have any problem in Auth login.
2. I access url DataService, but I got a problem, I can't access the page what I want, the response is 403. I'm sure when I access the url I have put the cookies from auth login.
What's wrong in my method ?
Anyone have a same case or can give me some example to use DataService beside using C# language ?
Or any advise / suggest ??
FYI: I try in local BPM
Check again header cookies, csrf, and format data JSON will sent to web service bpm'online.
And you can implement data service using any language along support JSON and http request.
Hi Romadan,
Have you tired the business process web call element? You could even try the script element.
I had the same issue and it looked to me that you have to use the C# language.
Dear Romadan,
Firstly, based on the error, it is most likely, that authorization hasn't passed well. Please make sure, that you have done all the steps described in the article as an example, particularly adding needed namespaces for the DataService to work, as well as, adding methods to authenticate and create records.
Also, yes, as Philip already mentioned, you have to use C# language. Moreover, you can see the example of the working InsertQuery by opening web debugger application like Telerik Fiddler and tracing the insert action made within the bpm'online system. You will find all needed information on what InsertQuery is made of, as insert, update, delete queries in the system are executed by the means of DataService.
To sum up with, if you are not comfortable to use C# language I would recommend to use OData protocol instead. Please see the implementation of OData requests with its examples in the system:
Finally, here is a documentation on how to call configuration services using Postman:
Hope you find it helpful!
Thanks Anastasia Botezat for your feedback.
I have solved this problem.
The problem is like you say. I dont complete passed auth in header, and have miss passed data json to web service bpm'online.
Philip Wierciszewski, I success implement data service using another language beside use c#.