Reloading the detail
Hi guys!
I have a process that adds some records to the detail on the Order page once a certain criteria is met in the saved order. The proces is working fine, but the detail does not refresh when records are added. I have to reload the page in order to see those records. Could you please provide some code examples on how to make the detail refresh on the edit page once something is added?
I've seen that this question has been asked already, but no answer was given there:
Many thanks!
Dear Vitalii,
Here is the code you can use to force refresh the detail -
Alternatively, you can modify your business process and add Open Edit Page element after the element that adds the data. This way the page with the changes will be opened automatically without any additional code used.
Hi Lisa,
I need to refresh it once the process ends. Your code just reloads the page, but the info is not being changed.
Your workaround is kind of makes sence, but it would be extremely frustrating :) Users will have to save the order twice not to mention the load time between those saves.
Could you please procide some code that can be inserted into the business process or with which I can connect the main schema and the detail one? Or if there are already any examples of this in the system.