Recive contact id by oData with javascript

Hello! I need to know how use oData to recive the id  of contact find that by email. But in a javascript request.

Someone has some example??



File attachments



Try to send a web http request to the service…()?$filter=substringof('',Email)&$top=1 

Please note that you need to send auth request and use auth cookie from it.

You can find an example of the auth request if you run fiddler and try to login to the application.

Hi Mark i'm making a .ajax request to a demo. But the code return a error with the cors. My code is attach.

The error is:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://0384564-sales-enterprise-marketing-service-enterprise-demo.bpmo…. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 405.

How can active the cors on the cloud server?

Have yoy Idea of that error?

you can try this on this url:




The thing that you're asking about is how to perform CCRF attack on bpm'online application.…

Fortunately, it's not possible. It is recommended to send http requests to bpm'online only from backend.

So how can make to get the contact information from a webpag of my site? Exist other way to get that?



Please create a web service in backend of your website. The webservice will work with bpmonline and you will work with the webservice from a web page.

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