Read the collection of object in script task

Hi Team,

I can read the process parameter of Business Process in script task if it is string or number in an "Implicitly typed variable - var" as below.


1.var _recipientEmails = Get("RecipientEmails");

2.var _totalRecords = Get("TotalRecords");



how could we read collection of records parameter as in the screenshot?

var _collectionRecords = Get<?>("ContactRecordCollection");





Bhoobalan P.

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Hi Bhoobalan, 


You are welcome to check a suitable solution by the link below:…


Get<ICompositeObjectList<ICompositeObject>> parameter should work for a collection of objects.




Anastasiia Markina,




I'm need to find the smallest price of a list of products. 

I get the list using the Read data element with the read collection of records mode.

In the script task I want to loop through all products and save the price if smaller than minPrice.

I created a process parameter with a type of Collection of records called: ProductsList and the value is set to the read element I mentioned above.

I have issue working with the collection.

I get the collection with the following script:

var productsList = Get<ICompositeObjectList<ICompositeObject>>("ProductsList");

foreach (var product in productsList)


      int price = ??????

       if (price<min)


               min = price;




I don't know how to continue on the foreach, how to get the price of the product.

I tried product.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("price"); 

but it doesn't work.

Can you please help me with this?





I tried the following and it worked.

         if (item.TryGetValue<int>("UsrIntProductAcademicYear", out int value))







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