Query return all business processes with specific user task
11:48 Jun 30, 2022
I'm looking for a way to get a list of all my custom business processes that include the auto generated page user task
And a seperate list for BPs that include the Send email task.
I would likw to get the idea of the query so I can get list any user task.
Any ideas?
11:02 Jul 01, 2022
Dear Chani,
Here is an example of such a query, feel free to change it to your needs.
WITH StringMd AS ( SELECT [UId], CAST([MetaData] AS VARCHAR(MAX)) MetaData FROM [SysSchema] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [ManagerName] = 'ProcessSchemaManager' AND DATALENGTH([MetaData]) > 0 ), ValidMD as ( SELECT [UId], CAST(IIF(substring(MetaData, 0, 2) = '{', MetaData, substring(MetaData, 4, datalength(MetaData) - 1)) as VARCHAR(MAX)) AS MetaData FROM StringMd ) SELECT sub.[ProcessSchemaUId], UT.[Caption] FROM (SELECT [UId] as ProcessSchemaUId, JSON_VALUE(value, '$.BL7') AS [UserTaskSchemaUId] FROM ValidMD CROSS APPLY OPENJSON([MetaData], 'lax $.MetaData.Schema.BK4') WHERE JSON_VALUE(value, '$.BL1') = 'Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessSchemaUserTask' ) sub JOIN [SysProcessUserTask] AS UT WITH(NOLOCK) ON sub.UserTaskSchemaUId = UT.SysUserTaskSchemaUId
Best regards, Alex.
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