Passing information from one business process to a sub-process

Hello, everyone. 

I'm having a few problems on a business process that i've created that "gets" information from another system (through api) and i'm getting the response without any error. What happens is that I'm trying to pass down the information to a sub-process and a few fields just don't work. They all go as "null" information. 


I'll paste a few prints.

1st one, the information coming from the endpoint request without any problem:


2nd, the information being passed for the subprocess:


3rd, the information that the sub-process "gets" from the main process:

(update: the "name" "subprocess1" has been solved. Aparently, I can't name the internal name from the endpoint "Name"... changed that to "Names" and it worked)


Has anyone already come across something like this? 

btw.. I'm on version

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Kalymbet Anastasia,

Hello, Kalumbet! 
Thanks for the response, but I've found why it was happening... 

Basically, if you pass down a parameter and DON'T use it anywhere on the "subprocess" it just goes as "null", hence the server don't need to "overload" itself with "rabbish" information. 


Please test disabling the UseColumnUsageTracker feature and then retry running the process.


link: [app_url]/0/Flags

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Hello, Kalumbet! 
Thanks for the response, but I've found why it was happening... 

Basically, if you pass down a parameter and DON'T use it anywhere on the "subprocess" it just goes as "null", hence the server don't need to "overload" itself with "rabbish" information. 

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