Opportunity products selection page displays inactive products


On my opportunity section page, when trying to add a product I can see and pick inactive products (in addtion to the active products). I think this was not happening before and all the sudden it started.

It happens on production only, In our dev system inactive products are not dispayed.

Any idea why this thing happens? or what module I can deploy from dev to make this work in production too?

Thanks in advance,


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Please note that it would be better for you to register a case with this question, as it is not possible to detect what might be wrong without checking the instances. Please kindly register a case providing us with external access to both instances and mentioning when you noticed that this functionality stopped working and what was changed in the instances that could cause it (for example, maybe some packages were installed/deleted from the instances or some settings changed).


Kind regards,


@Chani, did you get an answer ? I have the same issue, both in dev & production.

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