onClick override to start business process

Hi community,


I have the following situation :



From the "ENCOWAY SESSION" button, I want to override the onClick() method from it to automatically start a business process from there. How can I do this ?



Furthermore, my business process should take the object id (e.g. opportunity id) corresponding to the id of the record where the button is and set it as a request parameter of a webservice.


Then, I want to open the response paramter, which is an URL, in a new window. The Script Task is in C#, so I want to have a similar method as window.open("URL") in Javascript. The "URL" should be the response parameter of the API.


Do you have any idea on how to achieve this ?


Here is a business process model summary of what I want :



Many thanks,


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Hi Jonathan,

I have an article on that topic with the code you'll need to start the process and pass the current record Id into a process parameter here: https://customerfx.com/article/programmatically-starting-a-process-from…

However, as far as opening a new window, you can't do that from a server-side process. Instead, you can send a value, such as a URL string, from the server-side process to the client-side code, then the client-side code could open the window. I have an article on that topic here https://customerfx.com/article/sending-a-message-from-server-side-c-to-…


Hi Jonathan,

I have an article on that topic with the code you'll need to start the process and pass the current record Id into a process parameter here: https://customerfx.com/article/programmatically-starting-a-process-from…

However, as far as opening a new window, you can't do that from a server-side process. Instead, you can send a value, such as a URL string, from the server-side process to the client-side code, then the client-side code could open the window. I have an article on that topic here https://customerfx.com/article/sending-a-message-from-server-side-c-to-…


Dear Ryan Farley,


Your answer was really perfect. I managed to implement the whole process. Your articles are very pertinent. 


Many many thanks,


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