ODATA on Region entity

Hi community,

I've a problem with PATCH method on Region Entity.

I receive a generic error when I try to update a record.

What am I doing wrong ?


Here the postman request.

1) Read the region record to update


2) The error captured on postman when I tried to update the same record founded before

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Hi Stefano,


There can be a problem with the Region object in configuration or another object and that's why an UPDATE fails. You need to:


1) Check the application logs to see the error message that is returned upon a request

2) Go to configurations and generate source code for all items and compile all items and try updating the record after that


Best regards,


Hi Oscar

thank you for you suggestion.

About the first tip, the issues is on cloud creatio instance, how can I access to application logs ?

Stefano Bassoli,


Just email us at support@creatio.com to get the logs of the application for some date.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I understood the problem.

The user associated to oauth did not have permission on operation "



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