Multiple selection in dropdown list

How to select the multiple options in dropdown list in bpm online

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The main question is what you're going to do with the selected data. You will not be able to insert multiple values into a field on a page. A field is just a cell in a table. In order to process multiple values you need either write your own JS code or use a detail.

Anyway, you can open a multiple selection lookup page with the "LookupUtilities" module. There is an "OpenLookup" method there. Specify the "multiSelect" property and you'll be able to select multiple values.

Eugene Podkovka,

selected options in dropdown  are stored in database in bpm online tool


Eugene Podkovka

see the link same functionality i want to implement in bpm online and data is store in database.

Can you please guide me how to approach 


The detail with the multiple selection would be the closest thing you can get:…

You will be able to place a detail on a page and  select multiple enties.


Matt Watts,

my output not like that 

my output see below link


Ok. Let's imagine that you have created the field and selected the following values:

What will you do with them next?

Again. You will not be able to insert multiple values into a lookup field on a page because a lookup field on a page is a cell in a database. The connection is "one-to-one" and you need "one-to-many".

The only place that allow inserting multiple values related to a single record that called "one-to-many" - is a detail. Please consider using a detail functionality for that. 

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