Modified by user or by process
Hello, is there any easy way to check if tha last change was made by a user or by a process?
Because now, in the Modified by field, is shown either the user who modify manually something or the user who launched the process that make the change.
Hello Alfredo,
Currently change log doesn't allow to track either the record was modified by a process or manually and I will create a request to our R&D team so they could expand our current logic of Change Log. As for now you can track if the record was modified by a process if you track who modified the record and when and then you can go to process log and create a filter in it by date (for Created On field in process log that should be equal to Modified On field in change log) and filter by Owner in process log that should be equal to Modified By from Change log. As a result you will see the list of processes ran by this system user who modified the record in exact period of time when record was modified and by analyzing those processes you can check if it was some process that modified the record or modification was performed manually.
Best regards,
Oscar Dylan,
Thanks a lot. Im also thinking in adding a new field where any process can write its name (and date/hour) just before the end.