Mobile List Sorting

Sorting in setup for mobile do not reflect in actual.

Here's what I did:

//New Module UsrMobileActivityModuleConfig :
Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("Activity", {
	column: "StartDate",
	orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.DESC
//MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace > Models :
"Activity": {
			"RequiredModels": [
			"ModelExtensions": [],
			"PagesExtensions": [
//MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace > ModelDataImportConfig:
				"Name": "Activity",
				"SyncColumns": [


Like 0



Hi Solem,


I've created the very same rule and test it at the moment and sorting is ascending (tested descending first and then tried ascending and it worked in both cases):




If you perform this setup locally try recycle the application pool in IIS and relogin to the mobile application.

Oleg Drobina,

I am installing the maintenance tool to try clearing redis and restarting app_pool.

Can you show me the config for the sort in your module? Not sure if I missed something.

Solem Khan Abdusalam,


It's absolutely same as in your example. The code is in my previous messge, here is the text (module name - UsrMobileActivityModuleConfig):

Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("Activity", {
	column: "StartDate",
	orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.ASC

Added into PagesExtension for Activity model:

"Models": {
		"Activity": {
			"RequiredModels": [
			"ModelExtensions": [],
			"PagesExtensions": [

After relogin it worked correctly.

Oleg Drobina,

Made a trial account. Tried doing it there and it is not working.

Installed Maintenance tool to clear redis cache and restart app_pool, still not working. This is weird.

Oleg Drobina,

I was able to sort it, Yehey!

Problem is it only worked for Classic View, we are using Mobile Freedom UI where the following is not working:



Do you have any idea how to sort in Freedom UI for Mobile?

Solem Khn,



Are you able to fix your issue in Freedom UI?

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