Mobile App Issue
Hello, please help me with the following issue. When I use mobile app, in the Activity section it is necessary to implement functionality similar to the detail “Account address”, that is by clicking on the address of the Account, a map opens on your cell. The same functionality should be transferred to the reference field, when you click on Account address field in the Activity section, a map opens. Please tell which schemes are used for this functionality in the Accounts and how they connect to the Accounts page.
Dear Poly,
The implementation you were referring to is hard-coded to the bpm'online core. You can use ViewField schema (MobileApp\appV2\Common\Terrasoft\Controls\ViewField.js) as an example. This functionality was developed specifically for the base detail and even after implementing it for the reference field may not allow you to achieve the business task.
We suggest you to create the custom section and add the detail similar to the base one there.