Marketplace Install

When did the marketplace install start a wait period?  I have been installing apps to our dev site and then our prod site instantly but now I have to wait?  This seems to be a hassle more than a help.

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Dear Lori,

There are some solutions that can be installed instantly (the most of the solutions are like that). Though, there are and always been some that you need to contact the support team to install. We will try to increase the amount of the solution that can be installed by you immediately, but at the moment you will need to wait for some of them, I'm afraid.

We are sorry for the inconveniences caused. 

This is an application that I have installed before without having to wait but since our dev site had issues a while ago I had to have it to redone and lost the application so I find it odd that an app I have installed prior to now cannot be installed by myself.

Dear Lori,

Please provide us with the link to the application in question.

it is:  Product: Detail summaries for bpm'online


Dear Lori,

I opened the add-on page, clicked on Install button and was able to install the application without waiting:Please try to install it again and contact support ( for the remote session if you face the same difficulties. 

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