How to remove hyperlinks from records in OpenLookupPage?

Hello everyone,

I'm using crt.OpenLookupPageRequest to open a lookup page in my Creatio application. However, the records in the list appear as hyperlinks, and I would like to display them as plain text instead.

Here is my current code:

	type: "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest",
	$context: request.$context,
	entitySchemaName: "BnzConversationScript",
	caption: rls.BnzSelectConversationScript,
	filtersConfig: {
		filterAttributes: [
				name: 'ConversationScriptsFilter',
				loadOnChange: false
		attributesConfig: {
			ConversationScriptsFilter: { value: filterConfig }
	features: {
		select: {
			multiple: false,
			selectAll: false,
			resultType: 'lookupValues'
		create: {
			enabled: false
	afterClosed: async function(selectedItem) {
		scope.getFinalDataForConversationScript(request, recordId, response.GetConversationScriptsListResult, selectedItem?.value);

Does anyone know how to disable hyperlinks for the records in this lookup page? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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