How to open mobile app emulator from computer?
Hi Sir/Madam,
Please tell me how to open below mobile app emulator from my computer.
I have clicked on startchrome_withcookie.bat it's continuously displaying loading icon on the screen
Raghu Ram
First of all you should double-check you don't have numbers or spaces in the name of the path to the mobile emulator. After that open emulator once again press Ctrl+T go to this URL "chrome://flags/#site-isolation-trial-opt-out" find "Site isolation trial opt-out" field and choose "Opt-out (not recomended)" and re-launch the browser. Also check if you allowed cookies for this emulator. Also please take a look on the emulator's URL (you should see something like this file://ххх/appV2/MobileApp/LoginPage.html?platform=webkit&usecookie=true): in new versions of Google Chrome browser LoginPage.html mark and platform=webkit mark can have separator that is different from "?". If so, you should manually specify this separator. The same is for webkit and usecookie=true, but the separator should be "&".
Hope it will help.
Best regards,
Yes it is path to the folder in which emulator's files are stored. something like C:\MobleApp\ or C:\Data\MobileApp.
Best regards,
Please double-check the "chrome://flags/#site-isolation-trial-opt-out" flag once again. After that please try to login to some demo-instance and check if you are able to do that. If not, please open the console (F12) at the moment you try to login to your application using mobile emulator and make a screenshot of error messages that appears and sent it to us so we could analyze it.
Best regards,