How to include "Object permissions" in a package when exporting


I want to know if it is possible to include the configurations made in 'object permissions' when exporting a package. In fact, I am supposed to work on a test server, then export my package to install it on the integration server. I am not authorized to modify a package on the integration server. 

Thank you.

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We do not recommend to use the business data in the preproduction application. You may use it for the functionality development, though user roles, access rights, system users etc should be created in the production environment directly.

If there is no possibility to re-input this information manually you can use custom SQL scripts in package in order to transfer such information. Below you can find tables that store information about access rights:

1. Sys[SectionName]Rights

2. SysEntitySchemaColumnRight

3. SysEntitySchemaOperationRight



Thank you for your answer. 



Thank you for your answer.

Lisa Brown writes:


We do not recommend to use the business data in the preproduction application. You may use it for the functionality development, though user roles, access rights, system users etc should be created in the production environment directly.

If there is no possibility to re-input this information manually you can use custom SQL scripts in package in order to transfer such information. Below you can find tables that store information about access rights:

1. Sys[SectionName]Rights

2. SysEntitySchemaColumnRight

3. SysEntitySchemaOperationRight




I know this is a very old discussion, but did anyone actually succeed in writing such SQL scripts?


I could really need some help here...





Robert Pordes,



In case you need to transfer access rights records between two applications you need to firstly merge existing records in all the Sys[SectionSchema]Right (meaning SysConactRight, SysAccountRight and so on) tables for the dev app and prod app and exclude all the records that exist both in dev and prod. Once done you need to create an


INSERT INTO SysContactRight (Id, RecordId, SysAdminUnitId,Operation,RightLevel,Position) VALUES (...)


query that could insert records to prod that exist in dev, but don't exist in prod. This INSERT query should be created for all Sys[SectionSchema]Right tables and bound to the package via SQL script tab.


And once done these queries will be bound to the package and once the package is installed to another app those scripts will be automatically executed and access rights will be inserted to the system.


This will be a complicated task and instead we suggest using the Marketpace app wich can ease access rights setup:


Best regards,


Robert Pordes,

it was discussed here -

It can be done only for transferring access rights for existing records. 

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