How to compare date column with current month


I am using a select class to build a query where I have to compare date column "Net due date" with the current month.

var currentMonth = DateTime.Now.Month;

var select = new Select(UserConnection)



            .Where("UsrDate").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(currentMonth)) as Select;

But I am getting this error : Operand type clash: date is incompatible with int

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Try this


.Where(Func.Month("UsrDate")) .IsEqual(Column.Parameter(currentMonth));

Hi Grigoriy,

Thank you very much! It works



Hi Grigoriy,

I have to sum up the values of Column("Score") of several records so for this what should I use in place of Func.Month() .

Can you provide the reference for This Func method? 

Many Thanks.

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