How to change field properties(required, editing) of a new record field through process

Hello, I have a "quick" question: how do I change the property of a field in a new record created through a business process "Open edit page"? I need to create a page through a BP and then change two fields to required just through this process, not when I create a normal record of the section. 

I have two fields: Notes and Reason that need to be set to required or checked in some other way through the BP to reject a save if the fields are not filled in. At first I thought it was the element field "If the record matches conditions" that I needed to use, but it only controls if the process element proceeds or not. It doesn't prevent the save of the record by checking fields. 

Does anyone know a good solution? Thank you in advance!


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Dear Per, 

The easiest way would be to add a boolean field on the object, bott adding it ot the page itself(e.g.CreatedByProcess) and add a business rule on the page to make the field required if the field value is set to true. In a process all you would need to do is set the value of the CreatedByProcess field to true. In this case fields would only be required if the record is created by process. 

Best regards,


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