how can i set this type of cases?
i. Create new activity category “Request Validation”, and allow for it to finish with one
of three possible results: “Valid”, “Invalid”, and “Canceled”.
ii. Create Task: “Validate Request” of category - “Request Validation”, the task must
be visible in assignee’s calendar, and assigned to the owner’s manager. System
immediately creates the task upon advancing to the stage, and designates it as a
“Required Step”.
iii. Send Email to the Owner of the task advising him/her of result reached in Validate
Request task. If the result of the Activity is “Valid” then send an email with the
following Subject: “Your request has been Validated”, otherwise send it with: “Your
request has NOT been Validated” in the subject line.
For this task you may do the following:
1) Create new activity type and add new edit page for it
2) Assign task and make it visible using business process that will be triggered by creation of such activity
3) Use business process to send email after activity with such category changes its status
Best regards,
New activity type can be added in "Activity type" lookup. Instruction on how to set multiple edit pages can be found below:
Best regards,