get schema UId on Freedom Page

Hi Team, somebody knows how to get the UId for an schema on a Freedom Page? I was using Terrasoft.EntitySchemaDesignerUtilities.getEntitySchemaUIdByName(EntityName) on classic, but seams not be working.

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This will work, even from Freedom UI pages:

const entityName = "Account";
const entityUid = Terrasoft.configuration.ModuleStructure[entityName].entitySchemaUId;




Can you please describe the approach that is not working a little bit more? Here is an example for the "Knowledge Base" section which is a Freedom UI section:

Also works properly for the custom section created in FreedomUI.

Oleg Drobina,

I'm trying to do it from a handler trigger from a button. For some reason is not getting there.

My version is


Federico Buffa,


you can try another approach:

				request: "usr.CustomButtonClicked",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					const sysSchemaModel = await sdk.Model.create("SysSchema");
					const filters = new sdk.FilterGroup();
					await filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Name", "Account");
					const result = await sysSchemaModel.load({
						attributes: ["Id", "UId", "Name"],
						parameters: [{
							type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
							value: filters

Create an instance of the SysSchemaModel and load results based on the object name.


I couldn't locate the scenario for retrieving the UId of SysSchema directly, but you can try using this approach.


Or another option:


var currentSchemaUId = Terrasoft.configuration.ModuleStructure.Account.entitySchemaUId;


This will also return the UId of the SysSchema of the section entity (just replace Account with the needed object name).

Oleg Drobina,

Thank you Oleg. I think to do the query as well, but perhaps some class was available. I will try this approch.

This will work, even from Freedom UI pages:

const entityName = "Account";
const entityUid = Terrasoft.configuration.ModuleStructure[entityName].entitySchemaUId;


Ryan Farley,

Yes that works for me.

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