Finding something done on bpm'online

Hi every body! Could someone help me?  How can I find somethind done on bpm'online by someone?  Someone create a printable pdf file from some account data and wasn't done according to the:

1.Registration of a new printable in the [Printables] lookup. At this stage you need to define a section where the new printable will be used. Besides that, it is necessary to create a list of data columns that will be used in the printable.

2.Downloading a printable template and editing it in MS Word. Here you can set up print form appearance: page layout, text formatting, tables, etc.


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I cannot quite understand your request. As far as I understand you need an example of the implementation. You can find it in the following article:…

Please clarify your request in case the answer is not what you were looking for.


Matt Watts,

Thanks Matt, but the link leadsme to a page with no content. What I need to do is to understand how someone implemented a printable summary of some account data information. As we did not have a phase out before that person has left the company, I don't understant how it was done, so I can not add any more fields to be printed in the account summary. Anyway what I need to do is printing an account summary with just some pre define fields.


Dear Andre,

There are two perfect academy articles regarding the question of printable set up and you can find it here… and here….

Those articles provide step by step explanations on the printable building and registering. Hope it helps!


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