Filter section list


Is there a way to filter a section list for it to show only the first 10 records?



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Hello Javier,

Currently there is no possibility to do that with the help of standard filtration tool. I will create a request to our R&D team so they could add this functionality to the OOB version. Thank you for this suggestion!

Also please note that you can use sorting tool in a section that also allows to show first 10 records based on sorting direction. Also you can use tags so to mark 10 records that can be found in future if needed.

Also you can add a field on the page (integer type) that can be auto incremented upon records adding. You will also need to add a system setting that stores current number of this field. At the very beginning it will be 0. After that you need to create a business process that will update the value of added on the page field for the new record with the value of that system setting and after that increase the value of system setting to n+1 where n - is a current value.

Best regards,


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