filter by parameter on detail setup


I'm trying to display a maximum date column on a detail list, but need to filter the column by a different column.

For example: On the project page I have a detail for 'Participating schools'. I want to display for each participating school record the maximum of the [ account calendar ] [ start date ] (account calendar is a detail of the school) but want to filter to only semester equals the project's semester. 

I don't see a custom way to filter with a field on the detail setup, I can only filter with a value. 

Any idea how I can do 'semester = Project.semester'?

I'm happy to to also try some coding solutions, if you can tell me where I can find the detail setup code.



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Hello Chani,

In order to achieve your business task, we recommend creating aggregate columns for each semester by Start date. Then you will be able to choose the needed value, 

Best regards,


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