Exit from the campaign

Hi Guys!

Marketing question here: we have an active campaign that consists from several emails. I want to create a process that stops email sending as soon as a contact replied to the bulk letter. Basically, I want a contact to exit the campaign prematurely, based on certain criteria.

Could you please indicate which object contains the Contact - Campaign connection and how should I edit it in order to achieve my goal?

Many thanks!

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In our upcoming 7.11 release we have revised the campaigns functionality. Now you'll be able to use our advanced filters to configure the transitions between the emails in the campaign and also you'll be able to use them to set the condition to exit the campaign. 

You need to wait till the early September to start using the features. Also, please note that to achieve the described goal the replies from the campaign participants should be sent to the email address that is linked to bpm'online.


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