Display create date in Attachment detail


How can the Attachment detail on an Account record be customized to include other columns(like CreatedOn & CreatedBy) from the Attachment object? Currently only the file name is displayed.

Thank you

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Dear Allen,

You can find the example of the implementation in the academy article below:


Warm regards,


Thanks Matt! The columns are available after the implementing the customization. However the columns are not sortable. Is there a way to make the column headers trigger the sort operation when they are clicked on?

Dear Allen,

The following detail cannot be sorted out of the box due to its nature, it is not meant to store a large number of files initially. We recommend you to inspect the details, where the sorting is present and recreate the behavior in your detail, if it is required. Also, you can check one of the many marketplace applications that allow you to work with files more efficiently.

Warm regards,


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