
Dashboard Widget Copy/Pate to another tab?

Hello community, 


Is there a way we can copy/paste the dashboard widget from one tab to another. Currently I am trying for opportunity page dashboard in which I have 7 dashboard tabs and I want to shuffle some dashboard between them. How do I access the code for each tab's widget?


Another quick question, on dashboard edit page how do we add empty spaces on top of the page without moving each one down manually?


I am classic UI.


Thanks a bunch

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The layout values of the widget are stored on the page code.
You can change the tab in the page code itself, but you should be sure that the next tab in that place will be free and that the index of the element on the tab is free, too.
We recommend doing all manipulations with the widgets' thought designer to avoid any potential issues with the incorrect schema code.

You can also change extra space through code, but you should pay attention to the layouts that should be changed for all widgets on the page.

So, we recommend doing all the changes only through the section wizard. 

Make sense. Thank you for the info!


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