Business Process not return external service data "ProcessEngineService.svc"

I created a Business Process and when calling the service externally by Postman for example I can not receive the returned data. I need to return customer data.




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Dear Marcelo,

In this case, we recommend using “ScriptTask” instead of the “ReadData” element. Also, please note that we recommend calling the service via C#.

For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.

Best regards,


Norton Lingard,


I tried with Script Task but still the service returns null

Best Regars,


Dear Marcelo,

After a further investigation, we have found out that since version 7.13 this service is no longer able to return the parameter value. It was possible only in compiled processes, however, since version 7.13 all processes are interpreted. As a workaround, you can integrate with bpm and do all the needed logic with the integration instead of business process. Please find more information by the link below:…

Best regards,


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