Allow Report Print Option for External Users in Freedom UI

Hi Community,


How to allow printing of reports for External users in Freedom UI? We have already given object permission to "Printable" and "Tables of printable" objects. We have also added both in "List of objects available for external users", however the reports are still not showing on external users. Any idea please?


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Unfortunately, the functionality for printables is not available for the portal users. This functionality is not compatible with the portal's capabilities.

Our R&D team has a task to implement such functionality to work with printable on a portal, but as for now, there is no way to do that.
We've informed our R&D team about your case so to increase the priority of this problem.

Our external users needs to print a specific document. Can you suggest a workaround?

We create business process, that generates report by portal user request and attach this report to files available for portal user or send him by email

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