Add custom TAB in Agent Desktop

Hi everyone, 


I would like to add my Cases (with certain filters) as an additional tab in Agent Desktop.


The current tab "CASES" comes from the Queue section.


Thank you in advance!

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Please create a new detail based on the Case object via Detail wizard. The article on the academy will be helpful for that:

Add a new tab and add the newly created detail to the tab via Section wizard. There is an opportunity to add filter to the detail via JS development. Please find the example in the article by the link below:

Alina Kazmirchuk,

Hi Alina,

Thank you for your reply, it has given me an idea of how I can populate the tab once it's there. The problem however is that I cannot add a new tab. 

The only visible option is changing the fields to display , it seems like the tabs are created in a very unique way. 


The related topic was discussed in the post by the link below:

Alina Kazmirchuk,

Thanks again for the reply but it does not achieve what I want.

I want to create a new tab based on the *case Section*.

Another example to clarify my goal is to have a second tab that contains all the accounts. It has nothing to do with queues. (this is not my goal, this is an example)

If we look at the code from the link you send me we can see that "Queues" is being used: 

var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {rootSchemaName: "Queue"});

I am trying to avoid this. 


Hopefully this clarifies my goal.

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