Targets in graphs


Is it possible to create target graphs for marketing data, sales data and service data , like in the graphs below ?

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Hello Damien,


Thank you for your question!


Could you please describe this idea in more detail? What would you like to achieve by building the mentioned graphics? Also, please specify which graphics from the picture do you refer to?


Thank you in advance.


Kind regards,


Hi Anastasiia Lazurenko,

In this dashboard example, I am referring to campaign opps vs Target or campaign won opps vs Target.

Would like to set Targets for oppen opps, lead created , closed won opps.. A fixed amount that can be set for an individual , a country or a team or part of team for a year, a quarter or per month. Against which we can measure progress along the year as leads get added, as opps get signed, as opps get created.  Targets can be in terms of numbers of leads or opps but also in terms of financial amount.

That can appear for example as a line to pass on a graph, as a reference in numbers in a table, or a baseline for those target graphs as seen in the screenshot.

And I am not talking about the budget amount of an opp vs the actual amount signed of an opp. I am talking about overarching targets which are most important for any company.



Hello Damien,


Thank you for explaining.


This can be done with the help of the gauge dashboard. You can read more on this here:…


Here is how it looks like:


Kind regards,


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