What happens when locking a package that has marketing campaigns
Hi awesome people!
We have a client where we need to fix the package set up.
They currently have marketing campaigns saved in an open package that we need to lock.
1) We tried to reproduce marketing campaigns being getting saved in the package, but were unsuccessful. What are the requirements necessary for the marketing campaign "business" process to be saved in the package ?
2) If we lock the package and assign a new current package. Can marketing still edit their campaigns, and if yes, will the campaign be transferred in the new current package ?
3) Can we transfer a campaign from an open package to another open package, without breaking current running campaign? If yes, what is the procedure?
Thanks for your help,
Dear Damian,
Thank you for your question!
Allow me to answer your questions:
Q1: We tried to reproduce marketing campaigns being getting saved in the package, but were unsuccessful.
A1: This is an expected system behavior as all packages in the system are remained unlocked until they are changed accordingly (except the Custom package). Because a package is locked - you cannot save it nor any elements within it.
Q2: If we lock the package and assign a new current package. Can marketing still edit their campaigns, and if yes, will the campaign be transferred in the new current package ?
A2: A locked package cannot be as a Current package (the Current Package would change back to Custom if so). But, you can copy that package and\or save the campaign in a separate package.
Q3: Can we transfer a campaign from an open package to another open package, without breaking current running campaign? If yes, what is the procedure?
A3: Yes, this is possible, but you would need to input the audience and the settings from scratch. Or you may use Data binding as in this Academy Article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/development_tools/packages/p…
Hope this helps!