Concat text to form an email with multiple records

I want to concat multiple records into one text field to form a email with multiple records, for example list all products from an Order.

I've added a Read data (named ReadDataUserTask5) to my process and the added Script element like this:


var list = Get> ("ReadDataUserTask5.ResultCompositeObjectList");
var sb = new StringBuilder(); 
foreach (ICompositeObject item in list) 
  if (item.TryGetValue("Quantity", out decimal value)) {
  if (item.TryGetValue("Name", out string valueName))
Set("ListaProducta", sb.ToString());
return true;


but my process is stuck on this script element and never finishes. What am I missing here?


I've tried adding "ListaProducta" as an process parameter but that didnt help

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Hi Lj

Instead of trying to access ReadDataUserTask values, please use Creatio ORM to read data from DB and process result as required.

Find details here:…

Best Regards, 

Bogdan L.

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