
Does anyone know where one could obtain a list of what the features on the following url do?



Thanks in advance,


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Shane Judy,


You need to work with features only in case you debug the out-of-the-box logic and the explanation of the feature is present in the code this feature represents. 


We will add the explanation of the features to the Academy soon, but as for now there is no documentation on features explanation.


Best regards,




Here is the article that describes features toggling https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/feature-toggle-mechanism-enabling-and-disabling-functions. Features present in the list via the link you mentioned represent basis system functionality and they are supposed to be modified by developers only since disabling a feature means disabling the functionality this feature provides.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks for the reply.  I saw this page, but I was looking more for what the features Creatio have built in do.  There are interesting items which might make the system function better for our company, but without understanding the impact, I was hoping to learn more.  For example: "UseMobileCase" or "Opportunity Metrics".  It would be nice to know what these thing control.

Shane Judy,


You need to work with features only in case you debug the out-of-the-box logic and the explanation of the feature is present in the code this feature represents. 


We will add the explanation of the features to the Academy soon, but as for now there is no documentation on features explanation.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I look forward to the explanations.  Thanks for the reply.

dears, what about the updated documentation regarding features?

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