Can i create two dashboards for different users, and distribute access rights for these dashboards to appropriate roles?
You can create 2 dashboards and distribute the access rights to any users or roles by clicking on the 'gear' icon http://prntscr.com/ojxvef and in the drop down list select 'set up access rights' In the opened page feel free to select particular right for particular user or role http://prntscr.com/ojxvnj
Best regards,
The dashboard i meant the homepage dashboard, how to do it for a homepage dashboard?
Susanna Thomas,
Can you please send a screenshot or specify which dashboard do you mean?
Best regards,
Susanna Thomas,
You need to click on dashboard actions and click on setup access rights:
http://prntscr.com/okqar2. And there you will see the list of already distributed access rights where you can add or delete access rights. Please see this Academy reference here that will be useful.
Best regards,