How to return a value of a Lookup (the Name) using ESQ, JS

Hi, How am I able to return a value of a Lookup (the Name) using ESQ, JS? I have defined the Lookup as an attribute: "DevCertPublicationFrequency": { DataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP, }, I have the following function: getLookupValue: function (DevCertPublicationFrequency, safe) { var column = this.columns[DevCertPublicationFrequency]; if (column && (column.isLookup || true)) { var columnValue = this.get(DevCertPublicationFrequency); this.set("DevCertPublicationFrequency", columnValue); } }, When the record is saved I want to check the value of the Lookup and call a function if the Lookup value selected prior to the save = 'Daily' Save: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.getLookupValue(); var textmessage = "Verification will be performed"; //if periodical edition = daily then perform verification var DevCertPubFrequency = this.get("DevCertPublicationFrequency"); if (DevCertPubFrequency === "Daily") { Terrasoft.showInformation(textmessage); this.verification(); } },

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It's pretty easy to get a value from a lookup attribute using this.get("NameOfLookupAttribute"). Please debug your js code using the article below 

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