Add custom section to "Add new" menu
I have created a new section. Now I want to create a new record of this section from a received email, through the communication panel "add new" menu. (See image).
Is there a way to add my section to that menu?
Dear Javier,
You would need to add the record into EntityConnection table (you can do it with SQL executor or create lookup based on the object) with the SysSchema.UId = EntityConnection.SysEntitySchemaUId for SysSchema.Name = Activity and EntityConnection.ColumnUId = SysEntitySchemaReference.ColumnUId for SysEntitySchemaReference with column name equals to your object. For implementing this please analyze the EntityConnection table and SysEntitySchemaReference to have an understanding of which record you need to add. For example you can execute the following script:
select SysSchema.Name, ColumnName, EntityConnection.* from EntityConnection inner join SysSchema on SysEntitySchemaUid = SysSchema.UId inner join SysEntitySchemaReference on EntityConnection.ColumnUId = SysEntitySchemaReference.ColumnUId
Best regards,