Created anonymous webservice with method POST return code 403


I'm following the guide to create an anonymous webservice, the GET method works perfectly but when i switch the verb to POST the system returns 403 forbidden. 

The site is purposely rejecting a well formed request. Is there a way arround tthis? I tried various settings on the .config files but nothing helped.

I need the method to be POST, the site i'm integrating with only allows that.




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well, just leaving for the next one that has the problem.

How to resolve 403 on anonymous POST WS:

1) Edit [Install path]\Web.config

2) Lookup appSetting for key: DisableCsrfTokenValidationForPaths

3) Append at the end of the line the path to the .svc/functio: "[previous_values],0/ServiceModel/[service_created].svc/[Method]"


    <add key="DisableCsrfTokenValidationForPaths" value="/AuthService.svc/SsoLogin,AuthService.svc/Login,0/ServiceModel/[service_name].svc/[service_method]" />


Can this be applied on the bpm hosted instances?

well, just leaving for the next one that has the problem.

How to resolve 403 on anonymous POST WS:

1) Edit [Install path]\Web.config

2) Lookup appSetting for key: DisableCsrfTokenValidationForPaths

3) Append at the end of the line the path to the .svc/functio: "[previous_values],0/ServiceModel/[service_created].svc/[Method]"


    <add key="DisableCsrfTokenValidationForPaths" value="/AuthService.svc/SsoLogin,AuthService.svc/Login,0/ServiceModel/[service_name].svc/[service_method]" />


Can this be applied on the bpm hosted instances?

Try to check how the GeneratedObjectWebFormService registered. It works with post and it seems like it doesn't require disabling CSRF.

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