Make a Field visible in communication options detail of Contacts Page
Hello Team,
The requirement is to get "Note" field (Text box) adjacent to the communication type whenever the user is selecting any communication type from the addbutton in communication options detail in Contact page.
I have added a field manually to the communication options detail in Contact page by creating a replacing object and replacing client module.
I tried creating a method to make the field visible base on the required condition, but the field is still hidden in the GUI. The code is as below,
define("ContactCommunicationDetailV2", ["BusinessRuleModule", "ConfigurationConstants"],
function(BusinessRuleModule, ConfigurationConstants) {
return {
entitySchemaName: "ContactCommunication",
attributes: {
UsrNote: {dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT}
methods: {
onLookUpSelect: function() {
var isSocialNetworkType = isSocialNetworkType();
var UsrNote = this.getElementById("UsrNote");
if( isSocialNetworkType() !== -1 ){
UsrNote.visible = true;
UsrNote.visible = false;
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
"operation": "insert",
"parentName": "Detail",
"propertyName": "items",
"name": "UsrNote",
"values": {
"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.NoteCaption"},
itemType: Terrasoft.ViewItemType.TEXT
Could you please shed some light on this issue?
Dear Mohamed,
You can add Notes field by adding a communication option type in the Communication option type lookup.
After that you would be able to choose notes in communication options.
Best regards,