Unable to edit page in brand new Trial instance


I'm getting an error while trying to accomplish one of the exercises of the first Admin class.

Repro Steps:

1) Create a brand new trial instance in the following URL:


2) Once the trial is created and you are logged in, go to Contacts and select a Contact.

3) Menu "VIEW > Open section wizard".

4) Click on EDIT PAGE

5) Drag the "Birth date" field into the CONTACT INFO tab.

6) Click on the Page Settings icon.

7) Set a valid name (e.g. "UsrContactPageV2") and click SAVE.

8) Click on the SECTION WIZARD button to go back.

9) Click SAVE

10) After a while, the following error is displayed:

Unable to save schema. Name: UsrContactPageV2. Caption: Display schema - Contact card. Error: ObjectIsReadOnlyException. Unable to save changes for item "UsrContactPageV2". It is either created by third-party publisher or installed from the file archive. Contact system administrator.

I tried similar steps with an Account and I got the same error. I created a brand new trial just to make sure that I didn't break anything.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Dear Marcos,

Hope you are doing great today. 

The reason for the issue might be connected to the system setting 'Current package'. You might have different package that is set as a default. Try to find it in the system settings and make sure the default value is - Custom https://prnt.sc/ltl1ul. If it doesn't help - please send your request at support@bpmonline.com for further investigation in your particular environment.

Best regards,


Hi Dean,

The Current Package is "Custom". The trial environment has not been modified, so everything is by default.

I'll send an email to support. Thank you.



Dear Marcos,

Thank you for the reply. Our support team will be glad to help you out. 

Have a wonderful day ahead.

Best regards,


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